HALLOWEEN for Tweens and Teens.

Good Spooky Day!!! Guys, this year's Halloween is definitely going to be white-knuckle. Yet, don't panic! The party and sweets are guaranteed. You know that for a party we only need the will and the mood. Today, we will be remembering some vocabulary regarding Halloween and talking about this awesome celebration of imagination and, why not, fun.

Let's start watching these videos about how Halloween is celebrated in the US and the UK. You already know this is one of the most spread-out English language celebrations. After watching the videos, we will work with six interactive worksheets to better keep in my Halloween magic world.

Let's learn how Halloween is celebrated in the US.
Take the new words down for further exercises.
Have a good time.

Learn where the name Halloween comes from
and the history behind the term.
Pay attention to the new words.
Have fun and share it with others.

Now, let's work on the vocabulary we use when talking about Halloween.
Click on the icons to go to them.
Keep on having fun!



That's all for today folks!
I hope you have had a great time.
Remember to share these layouts with your classmates and friends.
See you around!