Morning everyone! Today's lesson will be dealing with THE WEATHER. Talking about the weather may be the most frequent way to break the ice when meeting someone on the first school day or when you find yourself in a lift with a stranger. It is said that Brits are used to starting a conversation talking about the weather because they are shy. This is not quite certain, yet it might be great to know how to describe what the weather is like everyday to start up a chat.
Let's start by watching this awesome video with
some of the most frequent vocabularies to describe the weather.
Pay attention carefully and remember to take down notes.
You can pause the video at any time.
Enjoy it!
This second video will give you more phrases
to help you talk about the weather in English.
I bet you will take advantage of this layout for further
exercises and school.
Watch and peek!
Now we are going to practice more
using some worksheets.
You must know how to activate them, but if you are a new visitor, just click on each icon below.
I hope you have enjoyed practicing THE WEATHER
through this layout.
Have the best day ever!!!
See you all in class.