Hi guys! HALLOWEEN is definitely one of the catchiest celebrations in English-speaking countries. Once you start studying English as a foreign language, you are introduced to this unique celebration.
Many claim, using misleading information, that Halloween is a "witchcraft", "dark" and "evil" influence on kids. However, this celebration has more of laughing at DEATH and SPOOKY things than all the three devilish adjectives used above. Celebrating Halloween can be a great possibility to teach historical events which may enrich students' general knowledge and cultural background.
Today, we will be learning about THE FASCINATING HISTORY OF CEMENTERIES. This video lesson will introduce you all to one of the least spoken topics we are allowed to talk about at home or in some cultures. Let's make this celebration a new pretext to learn because KNOWLEDGE is as light as feathers to be carried in our wisdom backpacks.
The fascinating History of cemeteries.
The fascinating History of cemeteries.
Watch and enjoy the knowledge.
To go to the video lesson click on the image.
To go to the video lesson click on the image.
I hope this exercise of
thinking and discussing is good enough
thinking and discussing is good enough
to widen your general knowledge and ENGLISH.
Next time, more.
See y'all in class!
Next time, more.
See y'all in class!